What is life insurance?

Life insurance is a safety net for your loved ones. It’s how you ensure your loved ones will be looked after if something happened and you were no longer here to provide for them.

It can mean ensuring your children’s education is covered, or unforeseen expenses like replacing the car, won’t leave your partner or family without options in the future. Whatever happens in life, simply put, life insurance is how we can help you can achieve some peace of mind today for what may happen tomorrow. 

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is a contract between a person (beneficiary) and an insurer (laya life). The life insurance policy will provide a lump-sum payment to the beneficiary in the event of their death, once a claim is made, in exchange for premiums (payments) made on the policy.

Laya life offers term life insurance, which simply means that the life insurance policy refers specifically to a period of time you choose to be covered for.

Is term life insurance for you?

Laya life offers a simple affordable answer to life insurance and depending on your circumstances it might be exactly what you need. 

Laya life is a simple life insurance product - simple to understand and easy to get:

  • Answer a handful of simple questions (over the phone or online)
  • Choose the level of cover you want and the period of time of you want to be covered
  • You’re covered on the spot!
  • There is no medical required
  • We won’t review your level of cover during the term of the policy